Master’s of Engineering in Telecommunications and PhD in Arts from the National University of La Plata. Professor at the same university with a main focus on theoretical music, musical instruments and architectural acoustics. Acoustical consultant for spaces for music and performing arts. Sound designer of experimental and opera music in Argentina and Latin America. Professional violinist in the Orchestra of the Argentinian Theater of La Plata for more than 25 years. Member of national and international acoustic associations and chair of several international congresses on acoustics.
2018 1st National Prize SCA/ CICOP 2018, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federation of International Centres for the Preservation of Architectural Heritage (CICOP) for the best architectural intervention in Argentina (Puesta en Valor y Actualización Tecnológica del Teatro Nacional San Martín, CABA). Acoustical Consultant.
2017 1st National Prize in the Contest for the New Building of the Ministerio de Innovación y Cultura de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina. Acoustical Consultant.
2016 1st National Prize SCA / CPAU, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federation of International Centres for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (CICOP) (Centro Cultural Kirchner CCK). Acoustical Consultant.
2016 1st National Prize SCA / CPAU, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federation of International Centres for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (CICOP) (Casa de Gobierno, CABA). Acoustical Consultant.
2016 Award for International Excellence, awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for the Buenos Aires Ciudad Casa de Gobierno (Architect: Foster + Partners). Acoustical Consultant.
2015 1st Prize SCA/ FADEA 2015, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federación Argentina de Entidades de Arquitectos (Fadea) for the best work in Buenos Aires (Centro Cultural Kirchner). Acoustical Consultant.
2014 1st National Prize SCA/CICOP, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federation of International Centres for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (CICOP) for the best work in Argentina (Universidad Torcuato di Tella). Acoustical Consultant.
2012 Award for the Scientific, Technological and Artistic Work, awarded by the National University of La Plata.
2012 1st Prize in the Contest for the Polo Cultural Ambiental de Arte, Ciencia y Tecnología de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. Acoustical Consultant.
2012 1st National Prize SCA/CICOP, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Federation of International Centres for the Preservation of the Architectural Heritage (CICOP) for the best work in Argentina (Usina del Arte). Acoustical Consultant.
2010 1st Prize of architecture 2010 SCA / CPAU / Edición del Bicentenario, awarded by the Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (SCA) and the Consejo Profesional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (CPAU) for the best work in Argentina (Restoration of the Teatro Colón). Acoustical Consultant.
2010 1st Prize in the Contest Puesta en valor y actualización tecnológica del Teatro Nacional Cervantes de Buenos Aires, awarded by the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación –España– and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID). Acoustical Consultant.
2009 3rd Prize in the XI Thyssen Architecture Award, Dubai (2009). Acoustical Consultant.
2007 Prize Accésit in the Contest for the Campus de Justicia de Madrid, España. Acoustical Consultant.
2014 Entrevista a Gustavo Basso. Entre la Ciencia y el Arte (“Interview with Gustavo Basso. Between Science and Art”). Ed. de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. Author with Dr. Daniel Belinche.
2009 Música y Espacio: ciencia, tecnología y estética (“Music and Space: science, technology and aesthetics”). Ed. Univ. Nac. de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006 Percepción Auditiva (“Auditory perception”). Ed. de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1999 and 2001 Análisis Espectral. La Transformada de Fourier en la Música (“Spectral analysis. The Fourier Transform in Music”). Ed. de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina.
1996 Elementos de Acústica de Salas (“Elements of hall’s Acoustics”). Ed. Int. de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina.
Books’ chaptersEleven books’ chapters written. Among them:2015 “Acústica. Apagar el ruido y encender la música” (“Acoustics. Turning off the noise and turning on the music”), in MAMBA. Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires: restauración y ampliación, Ed. GCBA, Buenos Aires. Author with Rafael Sánchez Quintana.
2015 “La música de la aldea global. Cruces entre tecnología y música en los albores del siglo XXI” (“The music of the global village. Crosses between technology and music at the dawn of the twenty first century”), in Ciencia, Arte y Tecnología en Acción. Enfoques para un abordaje multidisciplinar, Ed. UNLa, Buenos Aires.
2014 "Una arquitectura para la música" (“An architecture for music”), in La Usina del Arte. Puesta en valor y reciclaje. Ed. Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano, GCBA, Buenos Aires. Author with Rafael Sánchez Quintana.
2012 "La acústica" (“Acoustics”), in Teatro Colón. Puesta en valor y actualización tecnológica. Ed. FADU–GCBA, Buenos Aires. Author with Rafael Sánchez Quintana.
Articles and conference reports More than 90 articles and conference reports published. Among them:2018 “Acoustical balance between the stage and the pit in the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires”, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 33, 015002 (2018); Published by the Acoustical Society of America.
2017 “Acoustical evaluation of the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires”, Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. 30, 015014 (2017); Published by the Acoustical Society of America.
2016 “Acoustical design of the new canopy for the Ginastera Hall of theTeatro Argentino of La Plata”in Proceedings of The International Symposium on Musical and Room Acoustics ISMRA 2016, Buenos Aires.
2015 “Salas para música en la Argentina. Uso musical del espacio acústico”, In Arte e Investigación (N.° 11) pp. 125–130, noviembre 2015. Ed. Facultad de Bellas Artes UNLP.
2012 "Influencia de las condiciones de borde en la medición de absorción de butacas en cámara reverberante", in Actas del VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica FIA 2012, Évora, Portugal. With Nilda Vechiatti and Federico Iasi.
2012 “La acústica del Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires y su preservación”, in Proceedings of the 10th AES Brazil Conference, São Paulo, Brasil. Invited Paper.
2010 “Teaching Acoustics to Musicians”, in Proceedings of the 2nd Pan–American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancún, México.
2010 “Preservation of the Acoustical Quality of the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires”, in Proceedings of the 2nd Pan–American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancún, México. With Alberto Haedo and Rafael Sánchez Quintana.
2009 “Preservación de la calidad acústica del Teatro Colón de Buenos Aires”, in Revista de Acústica, Madrid, España, Vol. 40. Nos 3 y 4.
2002 "Prevention, monitoring, and correction law for urban acoustical contamination in the province of Buenos Aires", Contributed Paper, Journal of the coustical Society of America, 112.